from the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Eberhard Diepgen:

Since more than one hundred years Berlin has been a city of sports. The Stadium Gala and the Berlin Marathon charm tens of thousands spectators yearly. There are, however, many other sports competitions which have an effect far beyond the city limits.

By now the Gay and Lesbian Run occupies a solid place in the sports calendar of this city. This year it serves as the core of the EuroGames IV. More than 3,000 athletes from all over Europe, as well as from overseas, are expected for May, when sports will serve for fun and excitement.

In addition to the sports aspect of the EuroGames IV, the games have a social component, which in a city like Berlin - a city of diversity - have a safe and sound place.

I wish the EuroGames IV much success.

Eberhard DiepgenEberhard Diepgen
Governing Mayor of Berlin